The Rise of Mental Health Issues #8

 As a society we’ve been through a couple of rough years since the rise of COVID-19 in 2020. With the world shut down many of us that suffer from mental illness had no way to receive help with the now virtual nature of our appointments making it easier for our depression to sink in, causing us to not want to leave our houses. 

Being locked in a house during this time was almost like when you visit animals in the zoo, sad. Since the beginning of the pandemic there has been a rise of mental issues not just within the youth but, as well as in adults. During this time mental disorders are able to go undetected, undiagnosed and or pushed under the covers because no one wants to be locked in their house. 

According to MHA it was stated that, “ 19.86% of adults are experiencing a mental illness. Equivalent to nearly 50 million Americans”.  

Mental Illness is only becoming a more prominent issue because as a society, voices are being raised about the issue. There is new developments in medications that allow for treatment. Previous generations may have just shoved these issues under the rug however, today’s generations are strong enough to voice these hardships. 

Stated in an article written by Statistica, “ In 2019, it was estimated that around 29 percent of those in the U.S. aged 18 to 25 years and 25 percent of those aged 26 to 49 years suffered from some form of mental illness in the past year”. 

Covid-19 has forever changed our lives. Mental illness is something serious and needs to be treated. Speak up, share your story. Life doesn’t end just because of a bad day. 

Works Cited 

“Adult Data 2022.” Mental Health America, 

Elflein, John. “Topic: U.S. Mental Health Issues.” Statista,



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