Education on Blog Types #1

 Blogs. How many of us in modern day society read blogs? What even is a blog? Well lucky for you we are going to discuss some of that, so hold on and enjoy the ride. 

Blogs are pretty much a snooze fest. The more professional the blog is the harder it is to read. Personal blogs can be pretty interesting to read especially if it is in a topic that as a reader you can relate to. Maybe even your family might use their Facebooks as a personal blog, in order for you to be able to keep up with family members you live across the country from.

 (TMZ) is a very well-known paparazzi and or blog. They are constantly giving the world updates on the newest drama or hit information. The structure of this blog keeps the readers in tune. There is an even ratio of information to pictures. Most of us probably wouldn't see TMZ as a blog, however blogs can have many different structures so who's really to say something doesn't "look like a blog". 

( | Celebrity News, Exclusives, Photos and Videos) is also a very well-known magazine and or place to get the latest update on world issues, favorite celebrities and so much more. The nice thing about people magazine is not only is it filled with the drama and insight we are craving but, some of the articles are backed up by factual evidence and quotes from whomever the article is on. The structure of this blog is nice as it keeps the readers engaged by adding pictures and quotes through the chunks of words. 

(WIRED - The Latest in Technology, Science, Culture and Business | WIRED) is a blog I have actually never heard of yet, they seem to be ranked fairly high on the scale of best blogs in the world. The structure of WIRED's blog is very overwhelming, although the articles are split up into categories there is so much on one page when you first discover the website. Navigating the blogs are fairly easy once you figure out how to manage the website. 

Each blog no doubt has a specific audience it is targeted to; this is very important otherwise no one would view the articles or visit the website that said blog is on. It is important to maintain structure throughout the blog and to keep the audience drawn in, or the blog will become a snooze fest. Hopefully you've now gained some knowledge on blogs and feel ready to take on some of the ropes. 


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