Ways to handle your anxiety like a boss ! #2

 If I was able to go back and tell younger me that one day, we would have full control of our anxiety I wouldn't have believed you. Anxiety is a tough battle for anyone, so if no one has told you, I am proud of you. 

Anxiety can often feel like it is taking over the whole body. It seems pretty simple because it starts off in the brain as overthinking. As one may know anxiety than further develops into anxiety and or panic attacks, thus causing one's body to react in many different ways. The body may experience shakes, nausea, headaches and so many more symptoms however, there are ways to control these symptoms. 

Ice packs can be helpful for headaches and sometimes just overheating during an attack. If hyperventilation is happening offer the person a chair and maybe a glass of water as well, during these attacks it is important to reassure the person and make sure they are breathing correctly. Sitting down allows for the lungs to not have to work as hard as if the person was moving around, the glass of water can be helpful as the person takes deep breaths trying to relax and calm their mind. 

Shaking and or trembles is probably one of the worst symptoms in my book. They come out of nowhere and truly there is no saying how bad they will be or how long they will stay. The best solution many people have found is a weighted blanket. Don't go too heavy on the weight to where the person's body is being crushed but, enough weight to where it puts enough pressure on the body to suppress these shakes. Unfortunately, this is one of my worst symptoms that makes me unable to function in everyday life if an attack were to occur. 

The best piece of advice any research can give is listen to your body, and your body's needs. Each individual that suffers from anxiety is going to react in a different way, and each remedy is going to differ from person to person. As frustrating and exhausting as anxiety can be don't give in and let it become the ruler of your life. You are in charge. Stay strong. 

Symptoms, signs, and side effects of anxiety (medicalnewstoday.com)


  1. Hi Mercedes, I want to thank you for the kind words and for choosing this topic. During COVID lockdowns my anxiety sky rocketed and I had experienced it like never before. Feeling as if my whole body weighed a ton and the way to help was to lay my face in a pillow and just close my eyes and breathe. I also have people very close to me who have it even worse then me and they all handle it very differently. I think it is very important to share this topic and ways you may be able to help others in their times of need. Thanks for sharing the different ways people can calm themselves and hopefully you can help others suffering from anxiety.


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