Arizona's failing education system #5

 Ducey, the governor of Arizona is really pushing for students to pursue education. Personally, this just seems like a way to take more money from residents and or citizens. 

The way education is being talked about makes it seem like no one can get a job or be successful without a piece of paper. An education isn't always something that needs to be pursued super far. For example, the person who does my tattoo got his high school diploma and then was done. Why? Sure, he could have gone to art school, but his passion and persistence to get better is what earned him his position not a degree. 

Ducey states "Earning a certificate or degree, or both, after high school opens the door to countless economic opportunities". The man who started Jimmy Johns, a now very famous sandwich shop never went to college and quite frankly is a billionaire. When Ducey speaks his opinion on education it almost feels like he is shoving it down not only student's throats but, their families. 

Arizona's education systems have gotten better over the years. Arizona State University is known for being number one in innovation, however an education is a lot more than just grades on a piece of paper. Education isn't just simply attending a lecture. Education is feeling safe on campus and having many forms of people to reach out to. Education isn't something that should be looked down upon if someone doesn't have the money nor the right lifestyle to provide it. 

Education may benefit the economy in certain ways but, is Ducey thinking about the cost of student loans that need to be paid back on top of yearly taxes? Is Ducey thinking about how many people apply for scholarships and grants yet receive none? 

Ducey can continue to praise education and mention about how it will be good in an economical aspect, however he needs to touch base on many other topics that come along with his economy boost. 

Ducey, G. D. (2016, September 17). Ducey: Why arizona needs more college grads. The Arizona Republic. Retrieved October 23, 2022, from


  1. I completely agree that Governor Ducey's rhetoric around the importance of a college degree seemed exaggerated. To me, it almost seemed like he was trying to paint a dark picture for people without college degrees. Your example of the tattoo artist is perfect. Every person, student or not, will have a different path throughout life. No one should feel any pressure to do something they do not want to do. People have different financial capabilities as well, which could affect their ability to get an education, like you mentioned with student loans. The article also lacked any writing that talked about opportunities for people without college degrees. It seems unprofessional to not cover such a large portion of a Arizona residents.


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