Can Anxiety lead to Depression ? #6

The constant overthinking and overbearing thoughts while suffering with an anxiety disorder can make a person feel a wide range of emotions. Many people in past generations will call the current generation weak due to rising numbers of mental illness, however I don't believe it has been considered that this generation cares more about this topic than the past. 

 As anxiety numbers continue to skyrocket as the world contributes to open up about the struggles of mental illness, there is new research being done to see if one form of mental illness can lead to another. Anxiety and depression seemingly almost always go hand in hand. Is this due to constant roaming thoughts of the mind? The exhaustion our brain puts us through? Or maybe even the extensive amounts of worrying could cause this? 

Personally, I got diagnosed with anxiety and depression nearly at the same time; and conveniently when someone is diagnosed with anxiety they get put on antidepressants. So, the belief that these two mental illnesses go hand in hand, is fairly believable. 

According to an article written by Charlotte Haigh, she states " The two conditions can exist side by side. It's common for people with depression to feel anxious about certain things...". When Haigh states this and continues going into the topic more, she explains that although the two can be linked one isn't necessarily a cause of the other mental illness. The two conditions have also been proven to have many over lapping symptoms so sometimes it can be incredibly hard to tell the two apart. 

Mental illness is such a tricky topic because there is so many fine lines from one illness to another. These two pretty much going hand in hand can almost make it feel like the world is ending some days. Just know if you struggle with mental illness there is so many resources available at the tips of your fingers and that it is okay to reach out and get help. 

Chadburn, D. (2017, September 21). Can anxiety cause depression?: Mental health. Retrieved October 23, 2022, from 


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