Social Medias Impact on Mental Health #10

 Screens. All the world is, is simply a bunch of screens. Eyes are glued to the screen held in our hands. With everything at the touch of a finger what could go wrong? 

Society is mentally drained. Social medias such as Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, BeReal etc. With life on a platform there comes risks. Anyone and everyone can access pictures and history put into the realm of social media. It’s simple. The more invested society becomes in social media the bigger the increase of mental health issues become. 

Anxiety is now able to be caused simply by opening an app on a smartphone. What will people say ? Did enough people like this post ? What if I didn’t look pretty enough in that picture ? Endless questions. 

Middle State Georgia University wrote an article on the topic stating, “ Social media use, just as use of alcohol or drugs, can highjack the dopaminergic pathways more quickly and reliably than naturally derived awards such as studying hard and getting a good grade. Effort gained from diligent, time-consuming work is slower to access the reward system, while checking Snapchat or Instagram causes a rush of dopamine that provides immediate gratification.”

Social media is an addiction. The more time of day allowed to these apps the stronger the addiction will become. Well just quit using the apps is a lot easier said than done. 

We become so prone and normalized to going on these apps that it’s second nature to us. Yet even to better ourselves we continue to pick the addiction. 

During 2020, social media records were at an all time high and have continued to be ever since. Society found entertainment during a time of boredom. A bad habit that needs to be broken. 

Works Cited

“Is Social Media Bad For.” Is Social Media Bad for Your Mental Health?: Middle Georgia State University, 


  1. I get a lot of anxiety posting a picture that I take it down in 10 minutes because I feared I was getting bullied. Social media can be a very negative place for many youth. I am definitely on Instagram or TikTok more times then a like to admit.

  2. This post shows how social media can be a toxic environment for people and I hope everyone reading this post understands what you are saying. Taking it in and realizing not everything revolves around social media. How peoples opinions don't matter because loving God and yourselves is the only thing that should matter.


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