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Media is Draining Me #9

 Media is everywhere, affecting lives more than we realize.  I don't believe I had ever looked at social media the way I do now. I am analyzing the things I see on social media more than I have ever.  With social media, it is important to focus on the way things are being worded. Not only that but the visual we are given as well. The world is full of stereotypes and the way society is viewed. After diving deeper into the media category, I started to realize how prominent these things are on social media. Scrolling through social media, young girls and boys now feel they have a standard to live up to. Why do we make media the way we live?  Media is such an important aspect of the lives of not only us but our future generations. The media has become brain washing. Ma king society believe our lives, looks, jobs etc. should be a certain way.  The deeper one dives into the topic of media the more and more we are able to start realizing how draining social media and many other forms of m

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